The way selfbots
are supposed
to be

By purchasing Emptor, you agree to the following terms of service:
1. Account sharing is prohibited, if your account is given to another person other than yourself it will be blacklisted.
2. Refunding the product will get you blacklisted, We do not offer refunds.
3. Sharing files to non-buyers gets you blacklisted.
4. Attemping to crack or deobfuscating the file gets you blacklisted.
Learn why Emptor is better than the competition
Its very easy to set up, you'll be up and running hassle-free and in no time.
Our nitro sniper is one of the best out there in the community to make sure you get free nitro. Can be toggled on and off.
Although Emptor is a very high quality selfbot, we are one of the cheapest on the market.